#include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; typedef long long ll; class aboutme{ public: aboutme(){ cout<< "I'm in my third year of studies towards a bachelor's in Electronics Engineering.\n"; cout<<"I love problem solving & Web Development.\n"; cout<< "I have a good grasp on Data Structures and Algorithms.\n"; skills(); } ~aboutme(){ cout<<"\ndestruct intro.\n"; } private: void languages(){ cout<<"C | C++ | Python | JavaScript \n"; } void tools_frameworks_databases(){ cout<<" HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript \n"; cout<<" React.js | Flask| SQL \n"; } void emailme(){ cout<< "I'm currently looking for Internships in the above mentioned fields\n"; cout<<"My inbox is always open.\n"; cout<< "Whether for a potential project or just to say hi. \n"; cout<< "I'll try my best to answer your email!. \n"; } void skills(){ cout<< "Here are a few technologies I've worked with :\n"; cout<<languages(); cout<< tools_frameworks_databases(); cout<< emailme(); }
}; int main(){ aboutme a; return 0; }